Mary Schmitt’s Award for Community Spirit

mary and me april 18

Mary Schmitt, our daughter who is studying business at The Catholic University of America, received an award at CUA’s 2018 Cardinal Leadership Celebration dinner on April 18. What a great time I had applauding her accomplishment and meeting many of her fellow students and friends, who are grateful for her spirited contributions to campus life!

Please go to my Facebook page at wgschmitt and see the video I made of the award presentation. She received the Martha Comiskey Memorial Award in recognition of her “devotion to the University, ability and willingness to motivate [her] fellow students and unwavering commitment to the University’s goals.” My favorite part of the remarks made by Office of Campus Activities assistant director Emily Scanlon: “Everybody needs a Schmitty in their life.”

Eileen and I are so glad to have that Schmitty in our life! Mary inspires me with her ability to reflect, and contribute to, the best spirit of communities where all-around excellence is pursued for the sake of the individual, God and others. As she accepted the award, my mind flashed back to earlier days of her sharing this blessing. As a graduate of St. Joseph Grade School in South Bend, she received the Fanelli Award recognizing the gift. I knew good things were in store.

When you check out my social media to share in my joy, please consider following me on Facebook. I’m trying to do things–media outreach consulting, freelance writing, radio and podcast hosting, public speaking and lots of musical performances–that communicate my gratitude to God and wonderful friends! Please also check out the mary.schmitt.94 page on Facebook and Mary’s LinkedIn profile (maryschmitt19) too! That profile is her next step toward encountering new communities and making them even better by her presence.

About Bill Schmitt is the home for Bill Schmitt's blog and biographical information. This blog, initiated during Bill's nearly 14 years as a communications professional at Notre Dame, expresses Bill's opinions alone. Go to "About Bill Schmitt" and "I Link, Therefore I Am" to see samples of multimedia content I'm producing now and have produced during my journalism career and my marketing communications career. Like me at, follow me on Twitter @wschmitt, and meet "bill schmitt" on LinkedIn.
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